Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cram Crammity Cram Cram

The semester's winding down so its one final push to get all the pieces done for Monday's critique at the unholiest of exam times, 7:40 in the morning. Here's some pictures of the current state of things:

The kalimba looked like this when I went to go work in the studio at 3:00 and after some funky soldering setups later...

I had these at 9:00 when I decided I couldn't take it anymore and left:

Now Veronica, you may be asking, what's with this boring picture of mostly wire? there's nothing going on in it! To which I say oh ho! you are wrong for there is a metric ton of stuff going in in this picture! Let me articulate you for my master plan! Tomorrow I will:
  • Get up at 8:00 (optimistically).
  • Actually get up at 9:00, maybe.
  • Get breakfast and got to the store for hydrogen peroxide.
  • go to the studio and begin stringing the asteroids on to the necklace, bending the now hardened wires, cleaning, and correcting drill holes as I go.
  • soldering the end cap asteroids on to the wires, then preparing a solution of hydrogen peroxide and pickle to take off the copper plating our regular pickle always leaves behind. (Remember no steel in the pickle, kids!)
  • Then I will keep hammering my piece of steel music wire flat and eventually cut it to make keys for the kalimba.
  • The kalimba itself needs a lot of clean up still to make it nice, shiny, and excess solder free.
  • Attach the keys and adjust them so they are sort of in tune.
  • Go home.
So there's a lot to get done tomorrow not to mention yet another final paper to worry about, so I shall now leave you with this thought: kalimbas are also called finger pianos and I've unintentionally made mine in the shape of a grand piano. Irony.

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