Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer Wrap Up

So as this first semester of junior studio closes there some final remarks to say. Firstly, as far as I know both of my pins in the charity sale sold and the entire event raised around $7,000 for Japan according to here! Yay! I'm hoping to make more Link-a-Dink pins for the December sale over the summer since that one was gone before I got to the sale. Gone at opening bell = popular, right?

Since I'll be home for the summer, my blog activity might taper off a bit with an internship in the wings, but there will be more other artistic and design things posted; like sketches, paper crafts, and what little jewelry things I can do at home, such as my nefarious plans for this brass tree trunk that once had asteroid leaves:

Muh, ha, ha, ha, ha, my plans for it are a secret, but it's too cool to waste an object like this. If I'm not careful it might turn into next semester's theme despite my plans to make more wearable objects. The only guarantee is that it's bound to be a long crazy summer, and I'll need a vacation from the vacation by the end of it!

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