Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fabric Follies

I haven't made much progress in terms of jewelry, other than setting up my pitch bowl, but I have finished off the 12 dyed samples of fabric for fibers I and have just enough time to show them off!

First here are some slightly boring swatches dyed solid colors, with a 15 by 30 inch piece that was bound around a stick and had dye applied to it. And no, none of these are particularly outstanding either.

Next are some more colorful examples done by binding fabric in various way, as you would with tie dye. I particularly like the green and blue ones and thus never applied more dye to them.

And here are a few pieces done by clamping wooden forms around the folded fabric. Clamping is not my favorite technique for dying but it serves its purpose I guess

Finally, my favorite technique of the bunch, shibori. It's a Japanese technique traditionally dyed dark blue where you sew the fabric with a running or whip stitch, than pull it tight and tie it off before dyeing. It took me a while to prepare these since I'm not the greatest at sewing, but the results were worth it!

Not everything turned out great in dying fabric, this one sadly got nailed with mold sitting damp in my locker. Now I know not to do that one again.
Small side note this is what I am working on for 2D design, repeated abstract shapes to form an 8 by 8 inch composition that has an ambiguous figure/ground relationship. At least it's going better than the first project which I got a grade of meh on.

And thus concludes the exciting tour of recent artwork that is not jewelry, I hope to have gotten somewhere by next week.

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