Saturday, September 10, 2011

Design is a Process

Its taken me two days to come up with a composition for my 2D design class project. Part of this is because I am not very good designing at two dimensional works, partly because the professor hasn't explained anything about composition other than what the elements and principles of design are. Thus going on my spotty knowledge of proper composition (rule of thirds) and my four years of art history analysis I present you with an essay in pictures and haiku.

Drawing all class
The professor likes these lines
Due next Tuesday!

Broke down and sketched
So much for intuition
Naming it "Cellular Strands"

Too many lines, Not enough!
Trying to be Jean Arp.
If all else fails,
Make it look like a plant.

Perhaps it's scale!
Let's redraw all these lines.
Committed to dots and circles.

Does it look good or bad!?
Text an artist friend
"It's too detailed, they like minimal"

Reject pile's gotten huge
I think I'm on to some thing here...
What if I did this?

Dots ARE too complex,
Give up, go to plan B
Scribbly not-arabic.

Flip it around front to back,
Add this, subtract that,
Artist friend approves.

Oh God I like it horizontal,
She likes it vertical,
Either way it's "Butterfly" now.

Four people approve,
Only one majors in art.
Pretty pretty presentation,
It's done!

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