Monday, August 8, 2011

Sketchbook, Smetchbook

Ahh sketchbooks, the working horse of the art student. I meant to post this forever ago, on the occasion of my cracking in to a new sketchbook back in April and, at the same time, found my old sketchbooks dating back to high school while cleaning out the house. Plus, I wanted to show off to the echo chamber of the Internet what grew from that original assignment in ninth grade to paint the cover of my sketchbook, something I normally hated doing. Thus my two excuses for not posting this lovely material sooner are as follows:

1. An intensive four day a week, eleven week long internship at the city film festival.

2. The draft of this post was too long winded and drawn out in describing the covers and my mind set when I made each one and it was getting too boring, even for me.

Now that the internship is over and that I have been inspired by Something's One Sentence Reviews of games in their Video Game Article section I have decided to describe each sketchbook with a haiku. Why haiku? Because three lines gives me more room to describe and keeps it short at the same time, and I haven't written any silly poetry lately. So enjoy the loose haikus and the small look into my psyche over the years, just don't count the syllables!

Dragon holding the world
Gonna smash it on the rocks (what rocks?)
Such an edgy little freshman

Sophisticated sophomore
Octopuses are a thing now I guess
Pink coral, stencil brushes are fun!



A small fancy sketchbook for college
Oh God do people think I'm a hipster now
Just 'cause I bought a Moleskine?

Ha ha ha top fortune cookie so true
Where has all the money gone?
Third year of school

Laid the flowers out bad
How will I live with this!?
Tiny parrots fix everything

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