Monday, August 8, 2011

Recycled Art Competion

This is going to be a content light post, since it's the quickest and easiest webspace for me to upload the images I'm using to enter the Greentopia Recycled Art Competition, and email isn't being nice in letting me send them. Both small and large images and a copy of the artist's stament are here for your enjoyment!

( Click for Large)

( Click for Small)

Artist’s Statement on “Post Apocalyptic Puck”
                At the time I made “Post Apocalyptic Puck” I was interested in the theme of science fiction, particularly in making artifacts and jewelry that looked like they came from the future. Consequently this piece wound up with a detailed small story behind it. It is meant to have come from a post-apocalyptic future where mankind has lost much of its technology and has fallen back to believing in magic. In this bleak future I envisioned a surviving man who wishes to emulate the magical and mythological beings of older times, particularly mischievous fairies like Puck. Thus in order to display his imagined power, this future man has fashioned himself a magnificent crown out of the man made debris and small shiny objects left after the apocalypse.
                With such a story in place, I was able to freely design the piece using the stash of found objects I keep to use in my jewelry. Most of it comes from my odd habit of always looking at the ground for lost and forgotten little “treasures,” which are supplemented by friends and family giving me old broken jewelry and things to re-use. Being gifted a set of grapefruit spoons in this manner was the direct inspiration for this piece and I gladly took up the challenge of incorporating them into a work. Actively avoiding fabricating pieces from new metal the tiara steady grew, its shape dictated by the existing objects I had and my own sense of design, making “Post Apocalyptic Puck” a unique joy to create.

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