Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's a CAD, CAD, CAD, CAD World: Part 2 Electric Boogaloo

It's part two of the Rhino CAD workshop today! First off my ring came out of the printer with the some of the objects from other participants, and I discovered that not only did I not check as to whether Rhino was drawing a radius or diameter of my ring band but I was looking at the completely wrong size measurement too. Mine is in the zoom on the right.

So I rebuilt it again because the band is already too thin to scale it down, here's the new one:

I cut down the number of doughnuts, or tori as fashionable people refer to them, because seven was way too much going across the top of the ring. But I'm hoping that I can make a rubber mold of the old ring and cast its as a pair of earrings, like so:

Not a bad styling is it? The next thing was making an array of curved objects to go around a brooch or pendant of sorts and here it be:

Go Pacman! There's nine Pacman shapes (chowing down on power pills) going around a ring. This is also one I want to cast in silver and then paint Pacman yellow and the power pills pink.

The final project in the workshop was doing a test coaster for a color 3D printing process and thus I borrowed this GIS image for "colorful,"

and put it on a coaster in Z-edit like so after building it in Rhino.
It took a few tries but I was able to get the computer to show it without overloading the graphics card and turning into an interlaced mess. In conclusion it was a great workshop and inspiring lecture that made me and everyone else wish for regular access to a 3D printer!

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