Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Opening Stress

So. Hi. Due to the rather zany nature of this semester these posts will be in the dump and run vein content wise since I have my senior show coming up in early May. On with the progress shots!

Fibers, Junior Studio in which we are creating two fans, one functional, one not. above is the protoype of the fucntional one and below the two and a third blades I've cut out of sheet copper to make it. It takes me roughly three hours per blade, with out any filing or clean up on it, but I've recieved several compliments on how pretty the pieces are, so its motivation enough to put in the eighteen hours plus of work on it. Thus far I have been trying to keep pace by cutting out at least one a day, and I hope to be in good shape after this weekend.


The non functional fan is being cut out of pop cans into these interwoven shapes that will be sewn to a canvas carefully in the elaborate pattern on the bottom. I can't decide what back ground color to use with the final cans and a few other technicalities so I'm left doing the Fibers professor's perennial advice of "Just keep swimming."

On to Jewelry. Since most of my time is being taken up by cutting out the fan parts, most of my plans are still stuck in the idea phase. I have the sketch above for a pin or pendant that will have Lego flowers riveted to it, and a very purse like idea for the Super Scope reciever below which was part of a bad purchase of video game related goods at a garage sale event.

Despite all of my current stress, my mood has been improved considerably by this lovely music video on the relationship between Norway and America. Quite catchy, isn't it?

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