Monday, February 6, 2012

Totally Tumblr!

I have a Tumblr account mostly because a friend of mine discovered the site about a year ago. I'll spare the world and not link to mine, since its is mostly regurgitation of stuff already on there and very little original content (one of my few posts was linking to this small play through of an indie roguelike shooting game thing that I still haven't had a chance to play though you can download it free here.) But, if you find the right blogs to follow on Tumblr you can find some cool art and inspiration for your own work like:

These awesome rings by Sarah Hood who's website is here. She appears to do a lot of work with organic forms and I like the simple and clean layout of her site. Plus, I'm also a sucker for the cool use of the railroad modelling landscape bits. I always see the little model trees at A.C. Moore's or Hobby Lobby and want them so so so bad, especially the orange trees, but have no idea what I would actually make with them. On the subject of railroad modeling here's a video that I found and am shamelessly stealing from a Cracked article:

Beyond impressive for a medium, for lack of a better term, that has always been considered a kid's plaything. Apparently I am highly amused by miniature things, which I suppose is a benefit in jewelry making! As for more inspirational materials pertaining to my theme of Fun and Games (possibly just Games now) I haven't wandered across anything else yet, so it seems appropriate to cap this off with a quote from the Art Student Owl describing my current frustrations: 

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