Sunday, February 20, 2011

6 Little Asteroids in a Row...

I've been working hard so far on break, and had to post the progress! From 8:00 to 11:00 tonight I have been cutting and filing little cubes of carving wax about 3 cm by 2 cm by 2cm. Above are the six very rough wax asteroids that are the result of all that carving. There is a lot of detailing to be done from refining the shape to making them a tad smaller to adding craters and other texture with burs.The full details of the process I use in fashioning the asteroids will be in an upcoming post. (Post is Available Here!)

On a side note it seems my life likes to run in funny coincidences. Before I went on break, one of my suite mates was eating a grapefruit and wishing she had a grapefruit spoon to eat it with. Lo and behold, I received a set of grapefruit spoons while on my break to use in jewelry!
And these are they. The serration on the tip of the spoons is kinda science-fictiony especially since most of us don't use this specific type of silverware regularly; i.e. they look a little freaky. But, these spoons have given me great inspiration for the tiara project which is coming sooner than I think. So, to prepare, I picked the two spoons on the right from an estate sale for extra material. I also think I'll commit the unthinkable and turn the far right teaspoon into a ring, with a little variation so it's not so ordinary. Thus I fall back on the old mantra of every crafter: so many projects, so little time!

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