Thursday, June 2, 2011

Year of the Arts, Apparently

So, in a move I barely knew about, the college president has decreed that the 2011/2012 school year is the "Year of the Arts" at Buffalo State. It's then good timing on my part having this being my senior year, and just declaring another art major on top of the one I already had. And, in order to involve the students at the very beginning the college commissioned an upper level class to create and propose logos. I had two friends in the class; sadly neither of their logo designs won. You can read the college news post here, and there's a flickr set here of the 12 proposals, but below is what the college chose:

Not to disparage another student's work, but this looks like a coffee stain ring. It's a style of logo I remember Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams complaining about in a book in the mid 90s. In some ways though, this one is appropriate to represent art students since most live on a potent combination of coffee and cigarettes throughout the year. What does everyone else think of it? I rather like the one by Shannon Berkel myself.

And so much for keeping up the blog over the summer. the problem is my motivation to create art ebbs significantly during this time. But I do have a few projects started and ideas kicking around in the sketchbook, so please occasionally look back at the blog for those as I post around my summer internship!